Author: Chapman

Male students prefer to protect freedom of expression over an inclusive and diverse society by a decisive 61 to 39. Female students took the opposite position, favoring an inclusive and diverse society over freedom of expression by 64 to 35. The data comes from a 2017 Knight Foundation survey of 3,014 college students who were asked, “If you had to choose, what do you think is more important, a diverse and inclusive society or protecting free speech rights? ”.

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The paradox of equality is that, as greater gender equality is achieved, the innate traits at the biological level with the greatest evidence. For this reason, “in countries with less equality, such as Saudi Arabia, women are around 45% of computer science graduates. In contrast, in countries like Sweden they are less than 15%”. this paradox [se ha constatado en 80 países](This relationship occurs in almost 80 countries.). In other words, betting on equality makes us more different. And now a new study confirms it, even, in preferences for chess.

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The Borderline Personality Disorder is a personality disorder categorized in part by impulsivity and difficulty with emotional regulation. According to a series of studies conducted by researchers at the University of Toronto, family members of people with borderline personality disorder (BPD) show similarities in their brains and personalities, and even interpret some facial expressions similarly.

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A study of more than ten million people suggests that previous infection with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which causes mononucleosis, would be necessary so that multiple sclerosis could later develop. Prevention and cure, then, could be much closer. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive disease that affects 2.8 million people worldwide and for which there is no definitive cure.

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Thomas jefferson wrote: “If a nation hopes to be ignorant and free in a civilized state, it expects what never was and never will be.” Because one cannot choose to be ignorant: he is only a victim of ignorance. Ignorance is the antithesis of freedom. Only from knowledge can we choose. Ignorance is docility, tunnel effect, lack of options, lack of perspective. Lack of knowing what one really wants. But where to get the knowledge? If the knowledge is in the books, What books are those?

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Some decisions in our life, intuitively, we feel as correct, while others leave us with doubts and may even cause us to review our initial choice. But Where does this feeling come from? For the first time, a team of researchers from ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich has investigated this question systematically. The authors used experimental data to develop a computer model that can predict how an individual will choose between different options and why they might feel confident or doubtful about the decision they made.

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Energy is the consequence of the action through interactions or exchanges of the four types of fundamental forces of nature: gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear and weak nuclear. The only universal bargaining chip is energy. Without energy transformation there is nothing. Even human beings are complex energy flow transformers. A trend that has been modeled by the law of maximum energy of the mathematician and chemist Alfred Lotka: “As long as there is matter and energy available (if used), natural selection will operate at all times to increase the total mass of the organic system, the rate of circulation of matter…

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According to a new sensing technology being developed at Simon Fraser University, the sweat of our body could give a lot of information about our state of health. For this reason, it is developing a low-cost 3D printed portable sweat sensor. The research is carried out at SFU’s Additive Manufacturing Laboratory in collaboration with researchers from Zhejiang University.

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