Author: Chapman

The high-performance computer of the Data Analysis, Visualization and Simulation Center (DAViS), of the University of Applied Sciences of Graubünden (FHGR), in Switzerland, has broken the world record for calculating decimals of the number Pi. It has thus surpassed the old world record of 50 trillion figures by 12.8 trillion new, previously unknown figures. The last ten known digits of Pi are now: 7817924264.

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A team from the Department of Biomedical Engineering, led by Akhilesh Gaharwar, associate professor, and Abhishek Jain, assistant professor, has designed a 3D bioprinted model of a blood vessel that mimics native vascular function and response to disease. They have developed new bio-links that offer unprecedented biocompatibility and control of the mechanical properties required to print blood vessels.

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There are many reasons why we discriminate against others. Some are obvious, others not so much. Some receive a lot of media coverage, others are not even mentioned in the media. One of the most profound discrimination regarding family income and that is rarely taken into account is that related to physical appearance or beauty. A discrimination that has two different forms depending on the sex of the worker: for them, the height; for them, thinness.

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A systematic review of humor-based strategies to address public health priorities has recently been published in the journal Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. In conclusion, laughter can be the best medicine for a healthy life. This systematic review analyzed 13 studies in the last 10 years in which humor had been used to communicate serious messages covering topics such as mental health, breast and testicular cancer self-exam, safe sex, skin cancer, and heavy alcohol use.

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According to a study published in The Lancet, acute exposure to heat and cold can increase the risk of mortality from multiple causes of death. In 2019, in all countries for which data were available, the average mortality attributable to cold exceeded the mortality attributable to heat. The effects of cold were most pronounced in China and New Zealand, while the effects of heat were more pronounced in China and Brazil. Worldwide, an estimated 1.69 million deaths were attributable to extreme temperatures.

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According to the researcher Seth Setphens-Davidowitz, there are words or phrases that are commonly used when applying for a loan. For this, in his book Everybody lies cites a study conducted on the matter by three economists from the Universities of Delaware and the Columbia Business School in 2016. The study authors used data mining tools and machine learning algorithms to automatically process and analyze text from more than 120,000 loan applications, an online crowdfunding platform.

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