Author: Stanley Bowers

Aunque la mayoría de las personas que trabajan en el sector salud son mujeres, ellas ocupan uno de cada nueve puestos de liderazgo, afirmó Sofía Ramírez , asesora de la organización México Cómo Vamos. Durante su participación en el Foro Expansión Mujeres , la experta indicó que esta brecha obstaculiza que las mujeres del sector médico accedan a mejores salarios, a posiciones de toma de decisiones y, por lo tanto, a políticas públicas centradas en el crecimiento de las colaboradoras. “La representación importa muchísimo”, subrayó en el panel Mujeres y salud: un doble reto de inclusión. Las inequidades en materia…

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Víctor Esquivel, general managing partner of KPMG in Mexico, believes that men should take advantage of this position that culturally have had, so that, from leadership positions, they take effective actions in search of equal conditions. “Closing the gender gap is achieved with leadership, with a change in culture, which has to come from the highest part of the organizations, not only with goals, but also with actions”, he points out during his participation. Although women join organizations in senior management and leadership positions, they also face some challenges such as formalization, especially since most of them also dedicate their…

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The benefit is not only for the finances of the organizations. It is also a window to have different leaderships, with women at the forefront, who bring to the table conversations such as vulnerability and fears, which allow the development of other women within organizations to be promoted. “It is creating a network. As companies we should worry about salary equity and a level floor, especially in family and personal matters. There are many companies that do not know how to start, ”he added. As women leaders seek to be more disruptive and embracing, by adding equity goals within companies…

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“At AT&T we really like to change the game in society through advertising that shows women outside of the stereotypes of being alone in a home, and instead we show female engineers who maintain antennas,” Nayura details. Rojas, assistant vice president of innovation and product of AT&T Mexico, during her participation in the presentation ‘How we reflect ourselves’ in the forum of Expansion Women Summit 2023. But for Francisco Luna, country manager of the Worldpanel division of Kantar Mexico, even if advertising helps to break gender stereotypes and advances in breaking the glass ceiling “because now we see that there…

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“Money gives us freedom and creates opportunities for all women and that is why it is important that we be close to money and talk about it naturally,” said Ariza during her participation in the Expansión Mujeres Summit 2023. Although money does not bring happiness, the businesswomen are aware that access to investment or credit allows women to generate projects that in turn generate jobs and movement in the economy. For Laura Cruz, another skill that women must develop is that of assertive communication, of being heard even in environments that are dominated by men. Sinead O’Connor, who is of…

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On the other hand, he considered that the pollen concentration is not yet included within the air quality criteria. For this reason, communication has been established with the Ministry of the Environment of the capital, so that this parameter is considered in the notices and indices that they provide to the public. The university explained that REMA monitors to show the main pollen types and their concentration levels present in the air throughout the year, through five stations located in CDMX and its metropolitan area, as well as one in the states of Sonora, and Sinaloa. Activities will soon resume…

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“In this sense, we believe that a rise of 50 basis points sends a clearer message towards the commitment to price stability and even opens space for the authority to better assess the nature and implications of the recent rise in inflation,” he explained. . He highlighted that the adjustment in Banxico’s target interest rate is in the same direction taken by the Federal Reserve last week, although with a rise of a different magnitude, which confirms the intention of the Mexican authorities to continue with the monetary cycle. as long as inflation remains resistant to going down. With this…

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Currently, the wage gap between men and women permeates as a pending issue in the labor market. In 2022, the income gap was 14%, that is, for every 100 pesos that a man receives on average for his work per month, a woman receives 86 pesos, according to the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO). In a context in which the emotional salary is becoming an important tool for personnel retention, the monetary one is still the main cause that motivates a collaborator to change jobs, according to the 2022-23 Remuneration Study of the Recruitment company PageGroup. Peña experienced it with…

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The US request came in a letter sent by USTR on January 30 to Mexico’s Ministry of Economy requesting scientific evidence of the bans and risk assessments to support the decisions, which are mandatory under the agreement. trade started in 2020. Mexico “rejected 14 different samples of agricultural products that were presented to it and did not provide any justification,” McKalip told Reuters. “We want to make sure they do the science, show their work and make decisions based on risk assessments,” he added. The US request comes just days after McKalip and other USTR officials met with Mexican officials…

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