Author: Axel Wesley

Milk derivatives such as yogurt, the skyr, the kefir or the whipped fresh cheese They are excellent sources of proteins of high biological value for the body. However, not all of them offer this nutrient in equal proportions; that’s why we show you which is the option with more protein. Yogurt, derived from the fermentation of milk The yogurt It is derived from dairy fermentation due to the action of live bacteria such as probiotics. Although these microorganisms are not always present in yogurt due to the pasteurization process that many involve. For practical purposes we will use plain yogurt…

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In the autumn and winter months, vitamin C becomes very important and we obtain it especially from cabbages or citrus fruits. However, in this season its intake is also important and that is why we show you the best foods to add vitamin C to the diet, during the summer. Vitamin C and source foods in summer In winter the vitamin C It is a nutrient to which we attach great importance for its help to strengthen defenses and help reduce the intensity and frequency of colds and flu. However, during the summer this is also a fundamental nutrient due…

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The abdomen is the front of the core and it is mainly in charge of transmitting and absorbing forces. It is essential that we take it into account in our training since we usually train it with shrink exercises and forget that it is not its main task. There are other mistakes when it comes to training our abdomen. Which are? How do we avoid them? The frequent mistakes we make when training the abdomen and their solution The abdomen remains stable while the rest moves In any sporting gesture we need to move the limbs, being the abdomen is…

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The good weather has not ended yet and the arrival of autumn is not an impediment for many lovers of board sports, in fact there is no ideal season of the year to practice this type of sport, since it depends on the waves that are in that day. If you are a lover of this sport and you practice it or you want to start practicing it, we show you the best 23 offers of accessories and clothing for practicing bodyboarding, surfing and other sports with a board in the water that you can find in Decathlon. Paddle surf…

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How much time do you spend at the end of the day watching television, mobile or other sedentary activity? If you have never calculated it, you may be surprised when you find out that you are sitting or lying practically all day. This sedentary behavior increases the risk of stroke by a large percentage. Whether connected to technology, reading, eating or listening to music, we spend almost the entire day sitting or lying down. To this must be added the commuting to work by car or public transport and any sedentary activity throughout the day. Almost nine out of ten…

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Fitbit never ceases to amaze us with its new releases. When we think they can’t innovate anymore, they surprise us again. In this case they have with the introduction of the new Fitbit Charge 5. The brand’s new smart bracelet that incorporates news that we had previously only seen in the brand’s smartwatches. And, of course, it represents a more than significant evolution when it comes to the Charge 4. The first smart bracelet with electrogardiogram option For some time now, we can find the electrocardiogram option in many smart watches. In the case of Fitbit, its Fitbit Sense watch…

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Oats are a food with valuable properties for our body. Nevertheless, Can oatmeal water help us lose weight? We show you its benefits, although they are not miraculous. What is oatmeal water and how is it made? Oatmeal water is but one drink made from water and oat flakes themselves, to which flavorings such as cinnamon, vanilla or some sweetener are usually added. The amounts used vary from one to two liters of water for each cup of rolled oats, with which a drink is prepared that It is recommended not to filter, that is, to leave with the ground…

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The effects of exercise on bone health in women has been widely studied by scientific evidence, and we have written several articles on it. Yet men, due in large part to a much lower likelihood of osteoporosis, have been a less researched population (until now). A recent systematic review with meta-analysis published in the journal Calcified tissue international he has collected all controlled trials to date that address the effect of physical exercise on bone mineral density in men. Why is bone mineral density important and how does physical exercise help your health? A low bone mineral density makes our…

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Fats are one of the macronutrients that our body needs on a daily basis. However, it is essential to choose good quality alternatives for the body. That is why we propose you subtract trans fats and add healthy fats to the usual diet and for this we leave the best complexes you can use. Less trans fat and more unsaturated fat in the daily table Unsaturated fats, whether they are monounsaturated or polyunsaturated as is omega 3, they are of the healthier alternatives for the organism, being also essential because the body cannot synthesize them and then we must offer…

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