Author: Aurora Writes

AMLO called the legislators of the option traitors to the country, after the ruling against the electricity reform. During the morning, AMLO indicated that he will seek new measures to protect the interests and resources of Mexicans. The constitutional reform in electrical matters, presented by President Andrés Manuel, was rejected by the Chamber of Deputies. During the morning conference known colloquially as the morning, the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, referred on different occasions to the negative ruling that was presented within the Chamber of Deputies of Mexico, on the night of Sunday, April 17, in where the…

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Telegram presents its update 8.7, which comes with interesting news for its users. Currently, Telegram has more than 550 million monthly active users, according to the 2021 Social Networks Report by We Are Social. WhatsApp is the most important instant messaging application on the market, with more than two billion users worldwide. Telegram just released its 8.7 updatewhich comes with several new features for the more than 500 million active users that the platform hosts. According to report data Social Networks 2021 developed by We Are Social and published in October of last year, Telegram has just over 550 million…

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It is estimated that within just over 1,465 kilometers from Mexico City there are just over 167 museums. The site located on Santa Margarita street, in the Insurgentes neighborhood, is estimated to be the largest collection of Star Wars in Latin America. In order to attend the venue, it is necessary to have a prior reservation, since the place, although it is open to the public, has controlled access. Mexico City is a unique place in the world, within its streets and avenues it is possible to find something to do and see, for all tastes and for all people,…

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The Wizarding World of Harry Potter or the Harry Potter Universe, as you prefer to name it, is one of the most successful. Only in the cinema, his income is close to eight billion, an amount similar to what he has in merchandise plus other equally lucrative ventures in video games and books, among other industries. After the success of the initial saga (the adaptation of the novels), JK Rowling and Warner Bros. have taken care to keep it alive by building a universe transmedia that added the theater with “Harry Potter and the cursed legacy” (which takes place in…

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The BBC news network, in its African version, echoed a particular Nigerian superhero: the ecological Spiderman who fights alone for clean the streets of one of the dirtiest cities in the world. It is about the Nigerian environmentalist Jonathan Olakunle, who disguises himself as the superhero Spider-Man, from Marvel Comics, to help clean the streets of Osogboa city of almost 400 thousand inhabitants in Nigeria that has very high rates of pollution from urban dumps. According to World Bank data, waste generation rates are increasing around the world, and in Nigeria in particular. In 2016, the cities of the planet…

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At the age of 67, businessman Francisco Garza Egloff, former director of Arca Continental, one of the most important companies among the bottlers of Coca-Cola brand products, died this Sunday, April 17. The Monterrey businessman He was CEO of various companies in Mexico. Among others, he was on the boards of Grupo Financiero Banregio, Grupo Industrial Saltillo, Grupo Alen, Proeza, Ragasa, Ovniver, Fundación UANL, Petrocel and Akra, the last two subsidiaries of Alpec. Among other notable positions in his vast career in intermediate organizations, he was vice president of the Confederation of Industrial Chambers (Concamin). The entire Mexican business arc…

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After a debate that lasted for long hours, finally the electrical reform of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador did not obtain the necessary votes. The result of the vote was very close: 275 votes in favor and 223 against. The government needed a qualified majority of at least 333 supporters. On the night of Sunday, April 17, the opposition deputies rejected AMLO’s energy reform. The result is the first time that an initiative that has the support of Morena and its allies has failed. The deputies of the PRI, PAN, PRD and MC voted against, preventing the 333 votes necessary…

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One of the most unprecedented events in recent years in matters of human resources in companies occurred in Kentucky, United States, where an employee sued the company for organizing a surprise birthday party. The birthday in the office came to Justice and now the firm must pay $450,000 in compensation. To understand the case you have to go by part. The worker was employed since the end of 2018 by the American laboratory Gravity Diagnostics. When he started to work he made it clear to those in charge in his area that he didn’t like birthday parties because he didn’t…

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“We apologize to all those who have felt offended by our campaign aimed at promoting our vegetable products at Easter. Our intention has never been to offend anyone and the immediate withdrawal of the campaign has already been requested. With the words of that tweet, Burger King of Spain announced the withdrawal of the campaign from public roads that generated strong controversy throughout the weekend. The novelty was announced on April 17, Easter Sunday, through the official profile of the chain in Spain. The advertising campaign was based on the use of biblical words linked to meat, but in reference…

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