Author: Sofia Calzetti

In adulthood it can reach 21cm long. In his terrarium there should be space to swim and a dry area where there is direct sun, since he will love spending hours there. The temperature of the terrarium should range between 25 and 30 degrees. If we are in winter, we better be careful with sudden changes in temperature. It usually feeds on algae, fish, tadpoles and crayfish, but in our house, we will have to provide him with varied and good quality food. For this, we must consult a specialized center and not give it only shrimp. painted turtle It…

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This nerve compression occurs when something repeatedly squeezes, presses, or irritates the median nerve. Any repetitive motion that involves frequent flexion of the wrist (using a computer mouse or other hand tools nine hours a day) can cause or contribute to problems in the carpal tunnel space. The numbness is usually accompanied by tingling and, in extreme cases, weakness of the thumb and fingers. While stretching your hands and wrists before bed and upon waking can help eliminate numbness, you may need to see your doctor to control carpal tunnel tingling. Treatment includes the use of neutral wrist splints to…

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Having sleepless nights is more or less normal, either from not sleeping at home, from having slept during the day, from having a job with split shifts and night shifts, from worries and stress, etc. What is not normal is that we have insomnia every day or that we sleep less than 4 hours in a row. Sleep is very important for our body, as it helps us retain the information we have studied during the day, facilitates cell regeneration, takes care of the heart, promotes coordination, keeps diseases such as diabetes or hypertension at bay, improves mood, we feel…

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Because the exercise isolates only one joint (the knees), it’s not recommended to use any weight that you can’t lift with good form for at least 6 reps. Advantages of the Hamstring Curl There are many benefits of this exercise, beyond strengthening the back of the legs. relieve knee pain A little known benefit of the leg curl is that it relaxes the knee joint. In fact, they can help relieve knee pain. Strengthening the hamstrings helps build stability in the knee and pelvis. This helps improve knee alignment (and reduces risk of injury) when doing other forms of exercise,…

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Fish is sometimes high in mercury, and that is why the health authorities are there to carry out controls and limit fishing in certain areas or warn citizens not to consume certain species of fish and shellfish. Mercury affects the skin, heart, lungs, kidneys, eyes, and the entire digestive system. With respect to dairy productsin the last section we will deal with the subject in a little more depth, but exceeding the amount of milk can be toxic to our body, causing intolerances and long-term gastrointestinal symptoms. The same happens with the Water. Drinking water is of vital importance, in…

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Those who have tried it claim that it tastes like ice cream, but how is this possible? Basically it is due to the natural compounds of its pulp. The blue banana has an interesting flavor that is often compared to that of vanilla ice cream or custard. Their smooth, creamy flesh gives them a texture that also resembles the popular dessert. This makes them a great substitute for regular ice cream. Because of their unique flavor and consistency, these bluish bananas are often used in smoothies, added to desserts, or swapped for regular bananas to make a natural, low-calorie “nice…

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The onion was widely cultivated by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans and during the Middle Ages, its cultivation spread to the rest of Europe. Harvest after harvest, the largest bulbs were selected, until reaching the modern varieties that we know today. Profits The onion has been with us for centuries and has a very good reputation, in addition, for decades it has been used as a home remedy against colds and other catarrhal processes. Throughout this section we will learn about many of its benefits and everything that it can contribute to our body, if we add this vegetable to…

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Experts recommend that the room has a temperature below 20ÂșC to get to sleep without problems. However, this temperature is quite difficult to achieve without a fan or air conditioner. Also, the fan will help dry our sweat. White noise Many people get excited by the soothing sound of a fan. This buzzing is similar to the sound of white noise and can help us fall asleep. Researchers have found that 80 percent of people fall asleep within 5 minutes of exposure to white noise. However, using a fan just for this purpose is not highly recommended. The cost of…

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A vegan cheesecake that has little or nothing to envy to the normal ones and we will understand this in this text. A quick, healthy and delicious recipe, moreover, it is not only suitable for vegans, but also for those who are lactose intolerant, for those who do not like cheese and for those who do not want to eat eggs. It is healthy? Of course it’s healthy, but we must clarify that we should eat this recipe sporadically, that is, as a whim from time to time. For example, as a birthday celebration, as a dessert after a family…

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