Author: Sofia Calzetti

Choline is associated with B vitamins, and a recent study associates it with vitamin B12 as a possible cancer prevention and treatment. In the next section we are going to learn about the main foods of animal and vegetable origin that contain choline, so we can include them in our diet and improve our health little by little. Depending on the stage of life in which we find ourselves, we will need more or less amounts of this nutrient. An average adult needs about 550 mg of choline per day. and adult women about 425 mg. Children should take between…

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The bunnies are very nice and have many good things, for example, they need little care unlike a dog or a cat, they last between 4 and 10 years, they always do their business in the same place, without silence, they can live alone, They tend to be patient with children, they live with other pets such as cats and dogs, etc. A priori it seems like the perfect pet, but let’s not forget that for it to live well and happily we must let it rest, eat calmly, protect it from cold and heat, vaccinate every 6 months of…

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Dog meats are usually canned with processed food that is leftover from the meat industries and then they put a few vegetables and some gelatinous sauce to give us the sensation of natural food. But the reality is very different, which is why a strong trend has emerged that has decided to modify the diet of our dogs by offering raw meat as if they were the same dogs from several centuries ago. It is all nonsense, both an option, like canned meat that causes diarrhea and problems in internal organs, and raw meat or barf diet that is not…

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We are probably here because arnica has been mentioned to us. Throughout this text we are going to get to know everything about this curious medicinal plant in depth. From how it is consumed, what benefits it has for the body and the contraindications behind its use in children, adults, sick people, pregnant women, etc. Arnica is a medicinal plant with anti-inflammatory properties, but there is a lot of information beyond that. We must not stay on the surface, but rather dive in and learn everything that is currently known about this plant, both the good and the bad. Throughout…

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Today we touch on a serious topic and it is about childhood asthma, a disease that affects around 10% of children, and of that amount, 85% usually have allergic causes. A disease that puts hundreds of parents in trouble every day until they get used to living with it and the child grows up knowing how to react to his asthma attacks and knowing how to take care of himself and knowing his limits, for the sake of his health . What is it Asthma is a disease of the lungs and is not something temporary like a cold or…

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Also, if we exercise at home, they do not take up much space when we use or store them. That’s why strength training with dumbbells is easy at home or in the gym. Why use dumbbells? Dumbbell back exercises are weight training exercises designed to build strength throughout the body. Depending on the exercise, dumbbell workouts can build muscle in your upper arms, shoulders, and chest, as well as your abs, glutes, delts, lats, legs, and posterior chain. Dumbbell back exercises are ideal for beginners interested in learning weight training techniques. We can use adjustable or progressively heavier dumbbells to…

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A recent study from the University of Alberta in Canada found that trendy devices are less effective at tracking the health of people with darker skin tones. The study suggests this may be because the signaling processwhich uses light beams to detect heart rate and rhythm, might not work as well on black people who contain more melanin, since it absorbs more light. However, the algorithms that power these devices are often developed and tested on homogeneous white populations, which can mean problems are not identified before launch. They are only tested on white skin It is the first to…

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How is it done? The original Greek feta cheese is made from sheep’s milk or a mixture of sheep’s and goat’s milk. However, goat’s milk cannot be more than 30% of the mixture. The milk with which the cheese is made is usually pasteurized, but it can also be raw. After the milk is pasteurized, lactic acid starter cultures are added to separate the whey from the curds, which are made from the protein casein. Rennet is then added to fix the casein. Once this process is finished, the curd is shaped by draining the whey and placing the curd…

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Sh’bam, is a very cheerful alternative to zumba, suitable for all ages and is perfect for people who have little free time, since they are short classes of a maximum of 40 minutes. Both men and women are welcome, but it is true that some dances are more feminine than others. What is it? Sh’bam is considered an alternative to Zumba and is perfect for those who want to improve their fitness without the need to pick up weights or do machines. These are short classes of less than 40 minutes and where current music is played, mainly Latin, and…

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