Author: Stanley Bowers

How much does AI Pin cost and when will it be released? Although it may seem like a device from the distant future, the reality is that you will not have to wait long and it will not be necessary to spend a large amount of money, since according to the information, the gadget will cost $699 and could begin shipping at the beginning of 2024. , as pre-orders will begin on November 16. Who is behind the development of AI Pin? Humane is not a company that emerged with the boom in generative Artificial Intelligence, in November of last…

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Google claims that alleged fraudsters misuse its trademarks with names such as “Google AI” and “AIGoogleBard” to induce users to install the malware, which the tech giant says allows the defendants to steal login credentials. to social networks. The defendants, identified in the complaint as Does 1-3, could not be reached. Google CEO Halimah DeLaine Prado said in a statement that scammers “deceived numerous people around the world” and that the company has filed nearly 300 data removal requests. DeLaine Prado said these types of lawsuits are “an effective tool to establish legal precedent, disrupt the tools used by scammers,…

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Banxico reported on Thursday that decided to maintain its reference interest rate for the fifth consecutive time at a historical maximum of 11.25%, as the market expected, anticipating that it will remain at that level for “some time” because there are challenges for inflation despite its deceleration. In the previous statement, the central bank said that it would maintain the rate at its current level (11.25%) for ” extended time “. “We do not see it (a rate cut) in the remainder of this year (December),” Rodríguez said in an interview published on Monday in the newspaper El Financiero, in…

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The debate took place at a time when polls do not point to a clear winner. The citizens of the third economy in Latin America will have to choose on November 19 between two completely opposite country projects, with the official candidate and current Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, defending the peso and the ultra-liberal Javier Milei, who expressed his intention to dollarize and eliminate the Central Bank (BCRA). “Argentines have to choose who has the temperance, the mental balance and the contact with reality to be able to take Argentina forward,” said Massa, a centrist Peronist who made an…

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La fecha límite para que los los trabajadores reciban el aguinaldo 2023 está cada vez más cerca. ¿ Cómo calcular cuánto te toca ? Si no completaste el año laborando para tu actual empresa, no te preocupes, tienes derecho a recibir esta prestación. “Los (trabajadores) que no hayan cumplido el año de servicios, independientemente de que se encuentren laborando o no en la fecha de liquidación del aguinaldo, tendrán derecho a que se les pague la parte proporcional del mismo, conforme al tiempo que hubieren trabajado, cualquiera que fuere éste”, se lee en el Artículo 87 de la Ley Federal…

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When these four people finally set foot in Mexico, the team explored the competition and took note of the success stories – as Shi calls them – of MG and Chery, owner of the Chirey and Omoda brands. About five months later, in April of this year, GWM was ready to organize the formation of a local team to prepare the launch of the brand in the country. Shi highlights that Mexico is a large market, selling around 1.2 million new vehicles a year. This fact, combined with the production capacity of almost three million vehicles in the country, makes…

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El presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, se reunirá cara a cara con su par chino, Xi Jinping, por primera vez en un año próximo el miércoles, confirmaron altos funcionarios estadounidenses y chinos, una diplomacia de alto riesgo destinada a frenar las tensiones entre las dos superpotencias mundiales. El encuentro, que se celebrará en los márgenes de la cumbre del Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico (APEC) en la bahía de San Francisco, podría durar horas y en él participarán equipos de funcionarios de Beijing y Washington. El encuentro se desarrollará en varias “sesiones”, como sucedió hace un año en Bali…

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E: Are women more critical of ourselves and other women or are we being forced to foster this rivalry?EC: They do not force us to promote it, on the contrary, we would like to stop it, but we have so internalized the male gaze that we judge other women from it and managing to stop this attitude will be what allows us to get out of this vicious circle. E: Socially, it seems that there is an obsession with women fighting among themselves. Is this due to this male gaze?EC: I pose the question: who benefits from crime? The idea…

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Despite the growth of what was approved above 2023, spending on subsidies will be concentrated in Senior Pensions, leaving other sectors such as education, health or security neglected. Concentrated resources An analysis carried out by México Evalúa considers that spending on subsidies will have a strong electoral component next year, since of the total of 1.1 trillion pesos, 465,000 million will be for the Pension program for the Well-being of the Elderly, which It represents 41.8% of subsidies, and a growth of 871% compared to 2018. “Never in history has a program reached such concentration. At the same time, the…

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