Author: Sofia Calzetti

In general, dogs can eat kefir. It is a good source of probiotics, vitamins and minerals that stimulate the intestine, in moderation. Although the fermented drink is made from cow’s milk, it is low in lactose. That low lactose content means that even dogs that are lactose intolerant can probably handle kefir. However, if we prefer not to risk it, you can make kefir with goat’s milk, coconut milk, rice milk or oat milk. However, as with all human foods and beverages, it is recommended that you speak with your veterinarian before giving your dog any new dietary additions. little…

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Chakrasana, or Urdhva Dhanurasana, also offers a deep stretch to the chest and shoulder muscles, as well as the hip flexors. It also strengthens the hamstrings and spinal extensors. Beyond that, there are other science-backed benefits of wheel posture. Improves the flexibility of the spine. One study found that incorporating wheel pose and similar backbends into a yoga routine significantly improved spinal flexibility in participants over the age of 50. Increases strength. In just 12 weeks, study participants showed significant improvements in muscle strength after practicing wheel pose and other Hatha yoga poses. Can improve glucose levels in the blood…

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When we turn fruit into a villain, we’re not only missing out on a wide range of healthy snack options, we’re also missing out on all the vitamins, phytochemicals, antioxidants, and fiber that fruit has to offer. However, TikTok warns that high consumption can cause fatty liver, is it real? Having said that, it’s important to note that too much sugar can be consumed from fruit, especially when blended into a smoothie or juice. Eating whole fruit in moderation is key, and that can include one to three servings of fruit a day. However, recent social media videos have hypothesized…

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Some foods are meant to be puffy, like candy sponges. But packaged foods aren’t usually one of those. Still, there may be times when we are in the store and see bloated packages of meats and sausages. We should pay attention to this oddity, and for good reason. Some air is already found in any packaged food. Different types of food containers use a different amount of air depending on the food. Perishable foods such as cheese and sausage are typically packed with little or no air to prevent the growth of microorganisms. Other foods, such as chips, are packed…

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Symptoms At first, low magnesium levels may not cause any symptoms. But in some cases you can start to notice side effects when the deficiency is greater. nausea or vomiting A lack of magnesium could make us feel dizzy or even throw up. That’s because the mineral is involved in the function of the nervous system. Our gastrointestinal nerves may not be working properly, leading to nausea. Vomiting is often a side effect of nausea, which of course causes us to lose even more magnesium. On the other hand, low magnesium can prevent you from having an appetite. That could…

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Although it can be a headache for many, it is interesting to know the origin of cracked heels to minimize damage. Causes The first sign of cracked heels is areas of dry, thickened skin, known as calluses, around the edge of the heel. As we walk, the fat pad under the heel expands. This causes the corns to crack. Other factors that can cause cracked heels can be: Standing for long hours Walking barefoot or with open sandals Take long, hot showers Using harsh soaps that can strip the skin of natural oils Shoes that don’t fit properly or don’t…

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This allows dogs to have a remarkable sense of direction and awareness, even when they can’t see, which explains how some blind dogs can play fetch. Dogs’ strong sense of smell can help them detect and distinguish between different objects and obstacles, even if they are blind. The new study provides the first evidence that dogs’ sense of smell is integrated with their vision and other unique parts of the brain. Until now, this connection between the nose and the occipital lobe, functionally the visual cortex in dogs, had not been seen in any species. The nose helps them to…

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Can yoga help with digestion? One study found that adolescents with irritable bowel syndrome who practiced yoga reported significantly fewer gastrointestinal symptoms than those who did not. Another study also found a significant reduction in symptoms for patients with this disease and suggested that a 12-week recovery yoga program could be an effective treatment or integrative option for patients. Yoga can also be an incredibly helpful tool in supporting gut health. It can help relieve digestive symptoms like gas and bloating. Diaphragmatic abdominal breathing can have a marked impact on reducing stress levels by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which…

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Many claim that the drink is perfect to refresh and give extra energy. It’s just a mix of a shot of espresso, tonic, and a bit of lime syrup. A few shots of espresso are poured over an ice-cold tonic water to prepare the drink. Tonic water is slightly sweet so it rounds out the bitterness of the espresso making the drink somewhat creamy. But can switching to espresso tonic be a healthy idea? Tonic coffee calories Tonic water is full of sugars just like any other soft drink. It is by no means a healthier alternative to Coca-Cola and…

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