Author: Nicolas

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, promised during the “morning” that within a year there will be free medical care and medicines for all Mexicans. López Obrador explained that there is currently a 90% supply of medicines in the country’s hospitals and clinics. however, he recognized that the right to health, enshrined in article 4 of the Constitution, is a “dead letter.” The president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorpromised during the “morning” that in a year at the latest there will be free medical care and medicines for all Mexicans. In today’s “morning” and when asked why…

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Harvard University remains in the first position of the best schools in the world. It stands out for its academic reputation, published research, the level of its professors and the quality of its facilities. The QS World University Rankings are an annual classification where more than a thousand higher education institutions from around the world are analyzed. Training is necessary and mandatory for all health professionals. It is an aspect that cannot be dispensed with due to the nature of the race. But as with other options, some schools stand out from the rest because of their quality. While there…

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The behind-the-scenes story detailing the search for a transformative cure for cancer will unfold on screen at the Tribeca Film Festival. The film is an emotional journey that reveals decades of research, and the last hopes of a young patient’s family to save their daughter. Which culminated in the world’s first CAR T-cell therapy. The behind-the-scenes story detailing the search for a transformative cure for cancer will take place on screen Tribeca Film Festival in New York City this weekend; “Of Medicine and Miracles”, which will premiere during the renowned international festival. The movie is a emotional journey that reveals…

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The researchers believe that the human appearance can improve robot communication and make machines more likeable. Scientists have created living human skin on robots that repels water and can heal itself. According to Professor Takeuchi, the success lies in the natural tendency of this mixture of collagen and fibroblasts to shrink, which shrunk and molded to the finger. Scientists want robots look as human-like as possible for them to be relatable, which is particularly important when used in the healthcare and service industries. The researchers believe that the living skin is the solution to give robots the look and feel…

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Counterfeit medicines create a false sense of security for those who consume them. They also cause up to a million deaths globally each year. There are also miraculous or deceptive products that are often advertised as medicines even though they really are not. Medicines are one of the most important inventions of the modern age because they help prevent millions of deaths each year. While the development of each one requires years of research and millionaire investments. For the same reason, they are also a reason for falsification or apocryphal versions that today are known as “cheating products” and put…

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The Swiss descendant of one of Adolf Hitler’s doctors has published details of letters showing how he treated the Nazi dictator for voice problems. British historian Richard J. Evans, a specialist in German history, vouched for the authenticity of the unpublished letters, the newspaper said. The letters show Hitler’s fear of serious illness, the newspaper said. The Swiss descendant of one of the doctors of Adolf Hitler has published details of cards that show how he treated the Nazi dictator for voice problemsthe NZZ am Sonntag newspaper reported on Sunday. Hitler was treated several times by Carl Otto von Eicken,…

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Person-to-person transmission can occur through close contact with infected secretions. There is no scientific evidence that the monkeypox virus is sexually transmitted. All people are susceptible to contracting monkeypox. The narrative associating monkeypox, colloquially known as monkey pox, men who have sex with men and gay people fuel stigma and discrimination. It is also one of the reasons that distances people from receiving adequate and timely medical care. Expansion around the world Opinions without scientific support, with a stigmatizing and discriminatory vision, prevent or seek to limit public health interventions based on scientific evidence. They also hamper the investigation into…

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According to experts, by receiving sponsorship from a pharmaceutical company, the doctor’s judgment will inevitably be influenced. Including the interests of the company and its shareholders in the balance of its decision. A conflict of interest appears. The doctor must seek and put the patient’s interest first (which is to preserve and recover health, with the least risk and the lowest possible cost). The doctor should look for put the patient’s interest first (which is to preserve and recover health, with the lowest possible risk and cost), however, the sponsorship of pharmacies to the medical sector clouds this task. Furthermore,…

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The probability of suffering a brain tumor throughout life is 1%. To date there are just over 120 different types that have been identified. If you do not receive immediate professional attention, the consequences can be deadly. Health is the most precious asset that a person has and their well-being is the basis for having a full life. On the other hand, discomfort can appear at any time that can be the beginning of major problems. Therefore, the most important thing is to identify this type of discomfort from its first manifestations to prevent its…

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