Author: Joey Lechene

Is better grow a business with fewer people? We are living in a world of hypercompetition. Before, having studies made the difference, then it was having a university degree and having a degree. Today, having master’s degrees and doctorates in addition to a bachelor’s degree is no longer enough. When the competition is low, the “nobiliary titles” distinguish you. But when the competition is high it is not about how much education you have, but about what you are able to do with what you have learned in those programs. Contrary to what many think, to grow in an organization…

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Start the video. Half a cup of achiote, pepper, chiles and orange juice fall into a molcajete; then vinegar, garlic, oregano and salt. Hands stir the mixture. Close up to the consistency of the sauce and how it bathes some pieces of pork ready to be prepared. Twenty minutes of marinating and start the assembly. fast-forward 1 hour, at 190°C and the shepherd’s top of Kiwilimon ready. close-up end to the plating on tortillas, onion, cilantro, pineapple and sauce to crave. And you think: “yum!”, “I can do it too!”, “It looks so easy”, “I’ll save it for the next…

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Before proposing your business plan and your marketing strategy within it, you need to be clear about who the product or service that your venture will offer is aimed at. The buyer person is what you need. The buyer persona is a model that helps you outline the profile of your ideal client, that is, the one who will be the main target audience of your business. When outlining your buyer persona, the idea is to put yourself in the customer’s shoes and, from their perspective, state what problem they would like a company or brand to solve for them.…

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If you are stressed and don’t know how to start meditating, this note is for you. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is difficult – if not impossible – to maintain a serene state, with a focused mind. On the contrary, we have become accustomed to live stressed and have a thousand earrings on top: we must worry about our finances, our work, our family, being on time for our appointments… commitments never end! Of course, it is not uncommon for our minds to be scattered and for us to have a hard time concentrating. How to…

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A entrepreneur should cause your success happen. You are not the exception. The more people know about your product, the more opportunities you have to sell. However, the paradigm shift today is that the more people in your market niche know you, you can help them improve their lives or solve their problems with your talent and better skills. Now you must be one personal brand. What would happen if instead of publicizing your product you presented your personal brand? Maybe you will tell me: “That’s what I’ve been doing all this time.” No, most entrepreneurs advertise and offer their…

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In Mexico and many countries, it is common to joke that we would have to “sell a kidney” to buy the iPhone 14 (or the most recent model). However, a clinic in Laos took the joke too far, launching an advertising campaign that has been called “immoral and unethical”. the beauty clinic Dr Nith Beauty Center, posted an image of three alleged ‘patients’ with blood-stained bandages on their abdomens. At the same time, the subjects proudly show that they have the new smartphone from Manzana in your hands. Thus, the medical center suggested that these people had changed one of…

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When listening to financial and economic news, the term Mexican Stock Exchange is frequently mentioned, meaning that this or that company is listed on the stock market. But are you clear about what it means and how it works? If not, it’s never too late to find out. What we know as the Mexican Stock Exchange or BMV Group, is a financial institution made up of a group of companies that together offer services, whose purpose is to facilitate the operation and post-negotiation of the stock market, according to the definition of the site. website of the same organization. The…

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Officially, on September 8, Women Index was launched, the digital platform that brings together women from all professions to make their work visible and promote it. And it is that, according to the World Economic Forum, it will take 256 years for women to achieve the same opportunities and the same economic development as men. Thus, under the slogan # SíHayExpertas, Women Index, founded by Tania Pimentel in 2020, seeks to promote the creation of professional profiles for free on the platform to become a support and connection tool between women and the opportunities that boost their careers. . In…

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Apple equal to Steve Jobs; Virgin Group equal to Richard Branson; Facebook equal to Mark Zuckerberg. Although we have talked a lot about the importance of building a personal brand for an entrepreneur, if it is used incorrectly, this factor can sometimes play against the permanence of the company. A direct relationship of the company with its founder can serve both to generate loyalty and pride in the employees and to establish the values of the organization. But beware! prevent your company from being dependent on you, or on the founder (double danger if it is a family business). For…

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