Author: Crispin Castillo

Key facts: A hardware wallet is a device in which private keys are stored. MetaMask already has support for hardware wallet Trezor, Ledger and now AirGap. MetaMask, the web browser extension for storing cryptocurrencies and interacting with applications on Ethereum and other blockchains, announced that it now supports AirGap. Which will allow users to store their private keys on smartphones converted into a hardware wallet. MetaMask released the news via Twitter saying: «Do you want a hardware wallet? Do you have an old phone lying around that you don’t use? MetaMask now supports AirGap Wallet, a free app on Android…

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Everyone is wondering the same thing, while bitcoin (BTC) is struggling to stay at the level of 40 thousand dollars per unit: will the cryptocurrency go lower? The actual answer will depend on many factors. Especially if we take into account that many attribute the collapse of this and other markets to political tensions between Russia and Ukraine. However, there are certain prices that may be key in the near future. The wave of institutional investment that was unleashed in 2020 may have one of those keys: average purchase prices of the four publicly traded companies with the most BTC…

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Last Friday, February 18, the Argentine Minister of Economy, Martín Guzmán, reiterated the government’s intention to strengthen the cryptocurrency tax system. As reported by Ámbito Financiero, the comment was made at the summit of finance ministers and central bank presidents of the G20. The media reported that in the event Martin Guzman express the importance of developing a regulatory framework on cryptocurrencies that allows “gathering the information that guarantees full compliance with tax obligations”. That is, toughen the current tax system so that no Argentine who has bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies can evade them. However, the lawyer specialized in tax…

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Key facts: The criminal stole and sold NFTs for more than $1.7 million. The attack would have been carried out through malicious links sent by email. The Opensea platform, one of the most popular marketplaces for non-fungible token (NFT) trading on the Ethereum network, is investigating the theft of assets from its users. From what is known so far, a hacker would have deceived dozens of people through emails with malicious links. According to the Twitter account @tucanalcryptothe attacker I would have sent an email to thousands of Opensea users using the domain [email protected], very similar to the official one…

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For several days, forest fires have plagued the Argentine province of Corrientes, in the northeast of the country. So far, more than 800,000 hectares have been burned, almost 10% of the land in the province. While the State does not do much to combat the emergency, the community gets to work and donations are even accepted in cryptocurrencies. I agree with you latest reports, the situation is more than critical in Corrientes. In addition to the millionaire losses in an area where agriculture is one of the main activities, there are several families they had to be evacuated to safeguard…

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Credit Suisse, one of the oldest and most recognized financial services companies in Switzerland, would have housed accounts of politicians and businessmen involved in various crimes for years. This was revealed by a journalistic report from a German newspaper. The original research was conducted and published by the German outlet Süddeutsche Zeitung. In turn, then it was replicated by OCCRP (abbreviations in English for Project of Denouncing the Corruption and the Organized Crime). The data on 18,000 accounts, filtered from the entity itself, were analyzed by 160 journalists. In this way, the press discovered the link between these and different…

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Among the news highlights of the week is the rejection of the Salvadoran president, Nayib Bukele, of the proposal of US senators to create a law in the face of “possible risks of the adoption of bitcoin in El Salvador”, along with the events of protests by truckers in Canada that prompted attempts by authorities to block bitcoin donations. The price of bitcoin saw a slight seven-day decline after breaking above $40,000 last week. The weekly average registers a drop of 7%. At the time of this writing, the cryptocurrency is trading at USD 39,051, as reflected in the market…

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Mercados al día is an exclusive summary of the news that moves the bitcoiner economy. It is sent in advance by email to a list of subscribers and then published every Monday in CriptoNoticias. If you want to have the information in advance,subscribe to the list here. After a promising rally in the price of bitcoin in the first two weeks of February, the escalation of tensions between Russia and Ukraine caused a sustained decline in the price of BTC. Since last Wednesday, both the price of bitcoin and that of the main traditional stock indices have been in decline.…

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Key facts: Waves surged nearly 10% at the cut of this CryptoNoticias top. Ethereum competitor Solana rounds out this week’s list. Last week the cryptocurrency market was painted completely red, with bitcoin (BTC) leading a significant pullback. None of the main altcoins was saved between February 14 and 20, although that situation seems to be reversing at the beginning of this new week. For this reason, this week’s top of CriptoNoticias includes those altcoins that have recovered the most in the last 24 hoursafter a week in which red seemed to paint the entire market. Stand out in this list…

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