Author: Crispin Castillo

Last weekend, dozens of OpenSea users were threatened by a mass theft of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the platform. The attacker, whose identity is still unknown, accessed thousands of emails and sent them a malicious link posing as the marketplace to make them sign a smart contract that transferred their assets to him. As CriptoNoticias reported on Sunday, February 20, the thief had already sold some of the stolen tokens, and thus managed to get hold of the sum of 1.7 million dollars. Although 32 people interacted with the fake smart contract, only 17 of them have suffered token loss…

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The central banks of most Latin American countries seem to agree to open the doors to digital currencies (CBDC), while continuing to reject bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies, including stablecoins. Something that can be evidenced with the recent news from countries like Mexico and Peru. The director of policy and studies of payment systems of the Bank of Mexico, Othón Moreno, participated a few days ago in a virtual event and indicated that historically, central banks have issued their own legal tender currencies. For this reason, it seems logical to him to take advantage of the fact that technology now…

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The competition to develop the most efficient Bitcoin mining chips has a new player. With the announcement of Intel’s new Bonanza Mine Z1 ASIC for this activity, the expectation in the industry grew. The most recent disclosure of the processor specifications of this miner, which will hit the market in the next few days, gives us an idea of ​​Intel’s place in this race, which for now is far from the top and arouses criticism. During the International Conference on Solid State Circuits 2022 (ISSCC For its acronym in English), Intel exposed many of the elements that make up the…

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Key facts: The State profits from the sale of BTC, but keeps how much it owns secret. The whereabouts of the 94,000 bitcoin seized from the Bitfinex theft are unknown. The United States seized almost 70 bitcoins (BTC) from Silk Road in November 2020 and is now capitalizing on a 145% gain relative to the price of the crypto asset today. By appropriating funds handled by crypto-related crime, the US government may be amassing a fortune The Silk Road seizure was the second largest bitcoin seizure ever by the US feds. At that time, some USD 1,000 million of the…

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The Samourai wallet launched on YouTube a series of 7 free educational videos that teach in a few minutes how Bitcoin privacy works. These are already available to view and do not require any technical knowledge to understand, as they are intended for those who are new to the ecosystem and want to learn more. The organization communicated: “The series is designed to explain the fundamental concepts of Bitcoin to a completely new user with no prior knowledge of the composition of Bitcoin transactions.” Likewise, he estimated that after watching all the videos: “You will understand the best basic privacy…

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Key facts: The social network added this option for users last week. However, commissions are an insurmountable obstacle for these micropayments. Social networks vary along with the needs and preferences of the people who use them. In the case of Twitter, one of its newest functions is to send tips to other users as compensation for the content they publish. Bitcoin (BTC) has been one of the payment methods since the beginning, and now ether (ETH) has also been added. For a platform of brief messages, sharp opinions and fleeting information such as Twitter, tips or tips They enable a…

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Key facts: They present a bitcoin law, although the Constitution does not allow states to have their own currencies. California is the most prepared jurisdiction in the United States for the adoption of bitcoin. Former California legislator Ian Charles Calderón would like bitcoin (BTC) to be legal tender in that western state of the United States, so he is working to make it a reality through a new bill that he has presented. Calderón, who is currently a political adviser, reported on Twitter that he is working with cryptocurrency ecosystem communicator Dennis Porter with the goal of propose a law…

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Key facts: The conversion to Argentine pesos is done automatically at the time of payment. A first batch of 1,000 cards will be delivered, according to a waiting list. Those responsible for the Belo digital wallet announced on Monday the launch in Argentina of the first 1,000 Belo Mastercard debit cards, to allow payments from available funds in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The conversion to Argentine pesos is done automatically when making payments. The launch is part of the initiative Crypto Card Program of Mastercard, indicates a statement from Belo received by email at this writing. The Belo digital wallet…

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As promised a few weeks ago, the Russian Ministry of Finance has drafted a bill to regulate bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, the draft of which has already been submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation for approval. Information It was published this February 21 in the official site of the organism, where it is clarified that will maintain the ban on the use of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as a means of paymentsince the government will only recognize them as an investment instrument. To this end, the bill defines the operating requirements for exchanges to be able to carry…

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