Author: Aurora Writes

In 20220 Samsung occupied first place in the list of “Best Employers in the World”. Apple is the leading technology firm in the cell phone market. Samsung introduced the View Finity S9 to compete against Apple’s Studio Display. Today it is very common to see in the technology industry that they are constantly launching products with which they seek to revolutionize the market. However, given the wide offer that exists for consumers, it is possible to notice that there are certain products that are very similar to those of other brands, as is the case this time with Samsung. During…

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According to the government of Mexico City, 64 percent of the population uses the front labeling of food and non-alcoholic beverages as a consumption guide. Tortillas and bread are the most consumed foods in Mexico. According to EFE, private consumption in Mexico increased by 8.2 percent in 2021 after the 11 percent collapse in 2020, caused by the covid-19 pandemic. In Mexico the most consumed foods are: he Bread, tortillas, meat and eggshowever, there are various products that need have a label to establish the amount of sugars, salts, calories and much more to inform the consumer what is included…

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Chart of the day: The best-selling items in e-commerce He trade electronic has experienced a significant boom in recent years. With the growth of the Internet and the digitization of society, more and more people are turning to online shopping to purchase products and services. One of the main advantages of electronic commerce is the convenience it offers to consumers, since it is no longer necessary to physically go to a store to buy a product. with a few clicks, a wide variety of products can be accessed from the comfort of home. In addition, this format is available 24…

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EGADE Business School of the Tecnológico de Monterrey announced the appointment of Mercedes Poiré Romero as Director of EGADE Business School, Santa Fe headquarters. Mercedes Poiré will lead the outreach efforts of EGADE Business School in Mexico City and Querétaro, with special focus on business communitythus strengthening the position of the school. “Mercedes’ track record demonstrates its commitment to innovation and global impact in education, as well as its Ability to lead international teams and formulate business strategies”, highlighted Horacio Arredondo, Dean of EGADE Business School. With more than 20 years of professional experience, Mercedes has with experience in the…

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68 percent of professionals between the ages of 18 and 24 said they were actively considering changing jobs in 2023. In 2020, the region lost more than 50 million jobs due to brain drain. Those who most seek to change jobs in Mexico are workers belonging to Generation Z. Talent management issues are always of interest to companies around the world. Given this, a new investigation revealed how one in three Mexican companies are “extremely concerned” about staff turnover this year. Staff turnover can be defined as a phenomenon that occurs in some organizations when employees leave the company for…

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The dead are still alive, just as would happen in a zombie series or movie. In a joint statement, the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) and the Ministry of Public Function (SFP) revealed a worrying finding regarding the participation of certain companies in bidding processes. It was detected that a group of companies previously sanctioned or disabled by the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to enter into public contracts, are actively participating in IMSS tenders. The director of the IMSS, Zoé Robledo Aburto, assured, in the framework of the presidential morning conference, that the possibility of contracting…

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Culture woke, or culture of social consciousness, has emerged as a call to action in the fight against injustice and social inequality. “Woke” comes from Anglicism wake upwhich means “to wake up”, woke is the past tense of “despertar”, which means “woke up”. However, the concept is much deeper and more complex than its literal meaning. The use of woke arises within the black community in the United States with the original intention of “being vigilant” in the face of racial injustice. The woke culture is based mainly on the recognition of privileges and the awareness of historical and current…

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Have you ever wondered how it is that some organizations seem to have a superhuman ability to adapt to change and stay relevant? Well let me tell you a secret, it’s not magic: it’s agile creativity. Agile creativity is like a superpower that combines the efficiency of agile methods with the innovative power of creativity. But how can you unlock this superpower in your organization? Here is a guide with the keys that you should put into practice. Clear vision. Before jumping into action, you need to know where you’re going. Define a vision that is inspiring and guides all…

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56.9 percent of Mexican households have some type of debt. It is reported that 53.8 percent of households in the country have non-mortgage debt. 60.2 percent of households in the country have credit card debt. Social networks are that space where we can currently find any type of news and information. Recently, a video went viral on the networks that shows how a client tries to escape from a collector who was chasing her on a motorcycle, while she was walking down the street and trying to obtain payment for the debt that she accumulates. According to data from National…

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