Author: Stanley Bowers

“It is important to highlight that, after several quarters in which we have been able to mitigate inflation in dollar terms, I see more evidence in the recovery of the margin. Although the EBITDA margin decreased in the fourth quarter, the contraction was the lowest of the year and sequential margins stabilized in a quarter in which we historically see a significant decrease due to seasonality”, said Fernando González Olivieri, CEO of the cement company. 5 TIPS to MANAGE your MONEY WELL | Episode 5 | Tell me about Economics (podcast) The results are attributed, in the case of Mexico,…

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“With this partnership, BYD lays the foundation for its expansion in the mexican market of passenger vehicles, further promoting sustainable mobility in the region, where Santander will be the home finance company chosen by BYD throughout the national territory,” they added in a joint statement. To facilitate access to the vehicles of the Asian firm, the credits will be granted to individuals, individuals with business activity, legal entities and students accompanied by a co-owner, starting from a 10% down payment and with plans with 0% opening commission. During this year it is expected to place 2,000 units in the local…

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Maca Carriedo y Javier Garza comentan las notas más destacadas de la jornada. Compártenos tus opiniones en Instagram y Twitter en @expansionmx . La fiebre electoral comienza a subir en el Estado de México y Coahuila, donde ayer se llevaron a cabos los cierres de precampaña . En el Edomex, Alejandra del Moral, del PRI, y Delfina Gómez, de Morena, van al frente de la contienda. En Coahuila, el morenista Armando Guadiana y el petista Ricardo Mejía ya intercambiaron golpeteo. Turquía pone la lupa en los constructores del país Los objetos voladores siguen rondando Norteamérica Las autoridades en Turquía pusieron…

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A transformation to change the economy The Arab world is always associated with oil, sheikhs and high temperatures. But for some years they have sought to change that vision that is held of them. The country’s latest hit was the hiring of one of the best footballers on the planet: Cristiano Ronaldo, who has been wearing the Al Nassr shirt since this year. To this is added the organization of various events, such as the final of the Spanish Super Cup, the final of the Italian Super Cup or the game between Paris Saint-Germain and the combination of the two…

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Europe escapes recessive picture The economy of the European Union (EU) will have slightly better-than-expected growth in 2023 and moderate inflation, narrowly escaping a recessive picture, the European Commission announced Monday. In its winter report with projections for the bloc’s economic performance, the Commission (the EU’s executive arm) revised its projection for the eurozone’s economic performance this year marginally upwards, to 0.9%. This represents an improvement of 0.6 percentage point from their previous report. For the EU as a whole, including countries that do not use the common currency, the Commission projected growth of 0.8%, thus improving the expectation announced…

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Do you know how much your love earns? Does she or he know the PIN of your debit/payroll card? This is not an exam, they are just questions so you know how much you know about your other half’s finances. “The strongest relationships are the ones filled with trust. The first step is to know that they share the same vision of finances”, says OctaFX, a broker dedicated to offering trading services. Profeco, Condusef and BBVA share some recommendations to have a better financial relationship as a couple. 1. Create a budget together: Include everything you earn each month and…

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Las marcas de smartphones no tuvieron su Navidad en el último trimestre del año. Y es que los envíos de este gadget cayeron un 20% respecto al mismo periodo del 2021, produciendo que en el 2022 se enviaran 1,210 millones de smartphones, la cifra anual más baja desde el 2013 , de acuerdo con IDC y Counterpoint. El último trimestre del año fue de suma importancia para que se dieran estos datos, pues suele ser un periodo en que los usuarios renuevan sus equipos; sin embargo, “la demanda debilitada y el alto inventario hicieron que los proveedores redujeran drásticamente los…

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Do you know how much your love earns? Does she or he know the PIN of your debit/payroll card? This is not an exam, they are just questions so you know how much you know about your other half’s finances. “The strongest relationships are the ones filled with trust. The first step is to know that they share the same vision of finances”, says OctaFX, a broker dedicated to offering trading services. Profeco, Condusef and BBVA share some recommendations to have a better financial relationship as a couple. 1. Create a budget together: Include everything you earn each month and…

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However, for some time now a downward trend has been accentuated. The VC in Mexico fell 42.49% in the third quarter of 2022, according to the Transactional Track Record platform. Meanwhile, last week, SoftBank’s Vision funds for Latin America (aimed at financing startups) reported losses of $5.8 billion in the last quarter of 2022. Short story: at some point, globally, there was a time of ‘cheap money’, which caused the money pulls to bet on the great growth of startups. But when the era of ‘cheap money’ began to end due to the rise in interest rates in the United…

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