Author: Stanley Bowers

“He is in intensive care due to an infection problem that has not been resolved. But he speaks,” said Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, one of the main officials of Forza Italia, which is part of the coalition that supports the government of Giorgia Meloni. “He will spend the night” in the hospital, said a medical source who requested anonymity. “Cheer up, Silvio,” Giorgia Meloni tweeted, conveying her “sincere and affectionate wishes for a speedy recovery.” A sincere and affectionate wish for prompt guidance to Silvio Berlusconi, who was awarded to San Raffaele di Milano. Force Silvio.— Giorgia Meloni (@GiorgiaMeloni) April…

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El francés Bernard Arnaut, presidente del grupo Vuitton y Moet & Henessy (LVMH) fue nombrado como el hombre más rico del mundo por el momento de acuerdo con la clasificación anual de Forbes. En 2022, Arnault ocupó el tercer lugar del listado, por detrás del jefe de Tesla, Elon Musk y Jeff Bezos, fundador de Amazon. En diciembre pasado, el multimillonario francés los destronó convirtiéndose con su familia en la mayor fortuna mundial según la clasificación “en tiempo real” establecida por la revista, en función de las cotizaciones de Bolsa y de los tipos de cambio. De acuerdo con el…

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‘From savings to investment’ aims to provide the basic tools to have a healthy personal finance practice, seeking to relate it to the Stock Market in Mexico to transform savings into investment. It has a cost of 5,568 pesos and is from April 25 to May 11. Another of the new courses that does not necessarily have to do with the world of finance and that opens to the BMV are “art as a source of well-being for people”, this will allow the student to get closer to art, developing their critical thinking and skills observational. The cost is 5,345…

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The Bank of New York Mellon and London Branch are seeking the company to pay the bond for 400 million dollars which was agreed by both parties in August 2017, as well as the interest generated by the arrears, according to documents of the case to which Expansion had access. In February 2021, TV Azteca postponed the payment of the coupon for that month, arguing that the pandemic affected its finances and made it difficult for it to attract publicity to its business. At the time, the company was confident of “reaching an agreement as soon as possible”, however, creditors…

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The interconnection between 5G, the cloud and the Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing the automotive industry. The adoption of these technologies will allow vehicle manufacturers to develop smarter and safer electric models. Thanks to 5G, vehicles will be able to connect to the cloud quickly and stably, allowing the transmission of large amounts of data in real time. In addition, the IoT will allow the interconnection of devices inside and outside the vehicle, which will facilitate decision making and problem solving. Cloud services will make it possible to store and process large amounts of data generated by sensors in…

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The government of President López Obrador decided include in your purchase list one of the plants that the Spanish company operates in Monterrey under the self-supply model, a figure created 30 years ago to satisfy industrial demand, but which has been reviled by Manuel Bartlett and the rest of the energy policy decision makers for allegedly creating a hole in the state’s finances. The Energy Regulatory Commission imposed the sanction on Iberdrola on the grounds that the company had marketed electricity to industrial customers without being allowed to do so and accused it of fraud against the law, using as…

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He explained that an agreement was reached, and it is expected that the representatives will meet next Thursday the 13th, in united commissions with the only item on the agenda, to be able to take the initiative to a vote and approval, to see if it could be carried out on the same day. to plenary, “which will be very important,” said Buenrostro. He explained that in addition to the credits in pesos, among the benefits of the reforms to articles 6, 20, 178, 179, 180, section II and 185 of the ISSSTE law, it is contemplated that the amount…

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Regarding its use, González highlights that the main adoption has been in manufacturing and retail, followed by the health sector, for the training of specialists, as well as in the financial sector, while it is being used in specific areas, such as automotive, aviation, energy, public services, health, logistics and retail trade, among others. According to Statista, by 2025 it is expected that the manufacturing vertical alone will reach a size of more than 6,000 million dollars, but for some analysts this industry could continue to increase dramatically until 2027, rising to an estimated value of 73,500 million Dollars. Denisse…

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Maca Carriedo y Javier Garza comentan las notas más destacadas de la jornada. Compártenos tus opiniones en Twitter e Instagram en @expansionmx.Donald Trump se declara inocente de los cargos de los que se le acusa El gobierno compra 13 plantas a Iberdrola Donald Trump, expresidente de Estados Unidos y favorito para volver a ser el candidato republicano al cargo en 2024, se declaró este martes inocente de 34 cargos delitos graves de falsificación de registros comerciales tras una investigación sobre el pago de dinero por silencio a una estrella porno. La española Iberdrola se deshará de una gran parte de…

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