Author: Harryya

The premiere of the second season of ‘Love is in the Air’ in Spain is just around the corner. Divinity has confirmed that it will start broadcasting the next Monday, August 9 from 5:45 p.m.. The Mediaset chain had been announcing the imminent landing of the second batch of episodes of the Turkish series in Divinity for some time, but it is also that they are not even going to take a small breather from the end of the first. Very good news for your followers. Of course, it should be remembered that Mediaset has been promoting the exclusive premiere…

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I have had a great interest in whatever I do for several years. Lin-Manuel Miranda, the genius behind the essential ‘Hamilton’. To his credit he also has the work that gave rise to the wonderful ‘In a neighborhood in New York’ and got a deserved Oscar nomination for his work in the excellent ‘Vaiana’. His participation in ‘Vivo’, both writing the songs and lending his voice to the singular protagonist of the function, was the main reason for wanting to see a movie that has not had an easy time to come into being. Dreamworks started working on it in…

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The independent company specialized in horror IFC Midnight has presented an official trailer for a new and mysterious horror thriller entitled ‘We Need to Do Something’, directed by the filmmaker Sean King O’Grady in what is his film debut. It unveiled in Tribeca earlier this year garnering rave reviews for its concept. minimalist, with a great apocalyptic storm and a family trapped by it in their home.

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It may sound strange, but we can never thank the Trump fanatic trolls enough for airing a shitty James Gunn joke on twitter a few years ago. If that led to being fired from Marvel and DC giving him carte blanche to do ‘The Suicide Squad’ (The Suicide Squad, 2021) is a coincidence of fate too fortunate since we are before best action and fantasy blockbuster of the year, maybe for many years. Gunn’s check of $ 200 million and no restrictions has managed to bring together the best of both worlds in today’s ratings-limited cinema. On the one hand…

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Netflix has been made to beg, but the platform has finally released the overwhelming trailer of ‘Kate’, the action movie starring Mary Elizabeth Winstead with echoes of ‘Crank’ and ‘John Wick’ that promises to be one of the great entertainments of what remains of 2021. 24 hours to get revenge ‘Kate’ tells the story of a ruthless murderer who has been poisoned, having just 24 hours before the substance ends your life. Obviously, the character played by Winstead will do everything possible to find the person responsible for his situation to end him. During her search, Kate begins a friendship…

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Netflix It has an infinite number of series in its catalog and, obviously, it cannot go ahead with all of them and at the same time premiere more and more. That has led to his number of cancellations soaring in recent years, often leaving a bad taste in his mouths among his followers. In addition, sometimes it is difficult to keep up to date with all the news that arise in the television world, so we have thought it appropriate to review those series that Netflix has decided to cancel throughout 2021. In many cases leaving them without end, but…

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Kit harington He took a hiatus as an actor after filming the final season of ‘Game of Thrones’, even registering at a rehabilitation center even before the premiere of the controversial outcome of the series. At the time it was said that it was to deal with certain personal problems and now we have discovered that they were related to your mint healthl. The actor, well known for having played Jon Snow in ‘Game of Thrones’, has confessed on SiriusXM’s ‘The Jess Cagle Show’ that his participation in the HBO series was directly linked to the problems of mental health…

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