Author: Ezra

If we search Google for ‘anti-squatting alarm’, approximately 30,700 results appear in 0.46 seconds. On the first page, some of the websites that we can visit are from Prosegur, Movistar, Securitas Direct and other pages that are dedicated to comparing prices of these devices, such as Selectra: ‘Anti-squatters alarm: how to throw them out and prices (2022) ‘. media attention. These types of advertisements are also very common on television or radio, which seems to indicate that security companies have detected a market opportunity: this could be deduced given the number of television and radio talk shows dedicated to squatting.…

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The use of surveillance cameras and facial recognition technology is on the rise in China, efforts that provide local governments with an unprecedented amount of oversight over their citizens. There, those huge CCTV networks are used for everything: from verify ATM withdrawals, allowing access to homes and even publicly shaming people for minor offenses like jaywalking. And facial recognition makes it possible for both public and private entities to verify the identity and criminal record of anyone who walks in front of the camera. Although it may sound a bit like a science fiction movie to Westerners, the Chinese already…

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The holidays are approaching and with them the chaos in Spanish airports. Things look worse now that two major airlines have announced stoppages due to the strike they are carrying out these weeks. With Vueling, which calls strikes from November to January demanding a salary increase from the company in the face of inflation, more and more workers in the airline sector are going on strike. At Ryanair, where they have been fighting the same since the summer, ground workers at 7 airports are now joining, with strikes that will begin on October 28 and will last until January 7.…

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Allergies are a gigantic burden on the health system and the economy. In the world there are more than 520 million people with food allergies, with two million in Spain (mostly children, but 3% adults). Experts warn that there is a growing trend of food allergies. The question is what is causing it. on the rise. Cases have increased by up to 50% in the last decade, with a 700% increase in hospitalizations for anaphylaxis in the US. In Europe, between 2013 and 2019, there was a 72% increase in the number of hospital admissions. While the World Allergy Organization…

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Japan is a country full of old traditions and strange trends, but the government wants to try to adapt to the new times. Its new identification system based on a digital card wants to try to solve many of the conflicts of outdated and disconnected management, but the Japanese do not see it clearly. What is “My number”. It is a new type of identification card that is based on a physical card with a 12-digit number, a smart chip and also has the photo and some basic information of the person to whom it corresponds. It is something like…

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Choosing one song or another when listening to music offers us a window into emotional and psychological states. And their lyrics also somehow reflect the existing social changes between generations. If you pay attention to the lyrics of songs written in the 50s or 60s, you will realize that the topics covered are not at all similar to what you can hear today in a nightclub. This raises interesting questions like this: Are the lyrics of contemporary pop songs happier or sadder than in times past? The truth is that over time, broken and angry hearts have become more prolific…

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For weeks, many users have been denouncing on social networks the chaos that reigns in the Cercanías stations and Renfe Media Distancia throughout Spain, especially in the morning, when going to work or university. In this videofor example, we see how hundreds of people are crowded in the queue to access the platform. in this othera girl denounces that there are people suffering from anxiety attacks because you can’t even breathe in the cars because of how loaded they are. This other user looks like he won’t make it to college on time. Most of these situations originate after having…

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What if there was a social network where you could only say positive things about other people? What if the idea when opening it, when using it, when interacting with its content, was to make another person smile? It sounds utopian, but that is, in essence, the idea of ​​the creators of Gas, the fashion app in the US. His idea is simple: he wants to encourage teenagers to tell each other nice things. Nothing more. Nothing less. The fact is that with such a purpose it has managed to sneak into the top of the ranking of apps downloaded…

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The keywords that have generated the most internet traffic worldwide this year are no surprise: “Youtube”, “facebook” and “translate” occupy the top three spots with “pornhub” close behind. “El tiempo”, on the other hand, makes its first appearance, joining the top 5 and reaching almost 200 million searches per month. Perhaps climate change is having something to do with this. However, regardless of websites or services, the term “amazon prime day” ranks at the top of searches and grew by approximately 6,747% from May to June 2022, with users searching for product deals relentlessly. Another key term of this 2022…

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