This is the spoonful that you have to throw in the dishwasher to eliminate bad odors, according to an expert

This is the spoonful that you have to throw in the dishwasher to eliminate bad odors, according to an expert

The dishwasher is part of one of the indispensable appliances inside the kitchen. Simplify the process of washing our utensils and speeds up the way to do it daily. In addition, it is a form of Save time, water and money, offering efficient cleaning of our dishes and a life protection.

Therefore, if we use it almost daily, it is important to know the guidelines to take care of it and prevent the excess of accumulation of fat and dirt from cause bad odors and have an impact on the final result of our dishes. Thus, the Tiktoker @marianordichouseknown for their tricks and cleaning tips and home remedies, has viralized the form of Clean your dishwasher inside and leave it as new with hardly any efforts.

The tablespoon that you have to throw in the dishwasher to leave it unpolluted

Via @marianordichouse

If you have been noticing that your dishwasher clean less than the account and some Utensils are fogged or with remains of dirtvery attentive to this video, you will be interested. María Fernández has the solution: 'First we will clean the filter, the grid and the blades with hot water and lavaped soap', recommends the expert.

Dishwasher washing

Via @marianordichouse

Although sometimes they go unnoticed, these areas may be the key to fat accumulation and dirty remainsthat's why we will start eliminating all possible waste from interior.

Dishwasher washing

Via @marianordichouse

Then, for the Door and corners of our dishwasherpour a good stream of CIF and, with the help of a scourer, eliminates all possible remains of surface dirt. Then, rinse with plenty of water to prevent the fat from being adhered to the dishwasher walls and detaches during the washing cycle.

Dishwasher washing

Via @marianordichouse

But the final trick comes in the next part of the video: A tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate at the bottom of the dishwasher and a glass with vinegar In the upper basket. Program a short wash cycle with hot water and we have it. Goodbye to fat and bad smells!

Dishwasher washing

Via @marianordichouse

Finally, 'Do not forget to fill the salt and polisher deposit and put an atmosphere to neutralize bad odors,' says the expert. Do this cleaning around Once every two months and enjoy a new dishwasher every month.

Images | Via @marianordichouse

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