You will think that there is still a lot for spring, but nothing blooms if it is not taken care of and cultivated. Therefore, it is essential that we go taking care of our fruit trees the rest of the year If we want that later in the months of flowering they grow rich and abundant.
Fruit trees are an excellent option to plant and grow in orchards and gardens. Ideal to shade in summer and fruits in springthe most common are apple trees, limits and cherry trees, but there are also exotic options such as grenades that are rich in fruits and have many vitamins.
But not only just plant them and take care of their flowering, we also have to know How and when to water themas well as the number of times we do so that our fruit trees grow rich and abundant. It is through simple steps and a fairly simple procedure that we can have in our garden one or more fruit trees rich in fruits.
Do not neglect them and follow these steps of @la_abuela_ofelia so that your trees give you incredible fruits in spring. You need three ingredients and be constant at work. Attentive!
Grandma’s trick to improve the growth and fruit of fruit trees
Ofelia Pérez, better known as @la_abuela_ofelia on Instagram, is a whole expert in home remedies to care and cultivate our plants of the garden and garden. In this post, it helps us strengthen our fruit trees to grow healthy, strong and full of fruits. You only need three ingredients and an abundant amount of water. Look!
Three tablespoons of wood ash o Carbon of the stove, two tablespoons of coffee beep and half a glass of hydrated cal. Done everything in a cube and mix with five liters of water. At this point, you will have the fertilizer mixture for your fruit trees ready.
‘This will help us improve the leaves, flowers and fruit’the expert reaffirms. Deposit half a liter per fruit once a month and enjoy an abundance in your fruits this spring.
Photographs | @la_abuela_ofelia