In homes, small details are what make the difference when creating different environments full of personality. In the bathroom, where almost everything is seen, that maxim becomes the law when it comes to finding pieces that are beautiful and functional.
In this case, we bring you a idea that we have signed at H&M Home and that will give a new look to your quarter of the year, in addition to helping you improve order in this room that we use so much daily.
The towel rack
He Aden towel rack by Bloomingville It is ideal for improving the organization of our home and giving a natural and different touch thanks to its design. It is made of bamboo, a natural material that comes from a family of tall, tree-like grasses and can be harvested in both cultivated and wild masses.
It is shaped like a ladder, and integrates a towel rack and shelf. in the same piece. At the bottom it has shelves, ideal for putting folded towels, baskets with toilet paper, boxes or your favorite beauty and hygiene products. It can also be used to add some decoration and give a design point to your bathroom.

At the top of this auxiliary furniture, there is three bars so you can hang your towels and always have them ready to dry your hands, or when you get out of the shower.
Furthermore, this shelf is also ideal to place in the bedroom and even in the hall. You can use its lower part as a shoe rack or to leave boxes, bags or backpacks, while you can hang jackets from the upper bars, or even prepare the clothes you will wear the next day.
It measures 47 cmx160cmx33cn, and costs 149 euros. But keep in mind that this shelf It is not sold in physical storesit is only sold in the H&M Home online store.
Photographs | Zac Gudakov in UnsplashH&M Home
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