I reform the kitchen of my house two years ago with low cost materials and so it is now: nobody gave a hard one for it

I reform the kitchen of my house two years ago with low cost materials and so it is now: nobody gave a hard one for it

Reforming the kitchen can cost us a barbarity. Already just thinking about renew the faucet, change furniture and buy new appliances, we panic. In addition, if we want to make a greater reform, the workforce of the professionals and all the time we lose in the process, we are made uphill in January, February or any other month of the year.

But what we didn’t know is that with materials Low Cost and ourselves in free rats, We can completely modify our kitchen. Movement @mariabelenRomerap Two years ago and, although no one trusted the result and effectiveness of the process, two years later, he proudly shows the success of his work.

The reform of a low cost kitchen two years later

He trusted the result and effectiveness of the process, two years later, he proudly shows the success of his work.

Via @mariabelenRomerap

“I did it alone to Ratitos and that made many people fly their heads,” says Maria Belén. The Expert in Viral Decoration Content and Tips of Quick Household Reformsa personal project started two years ago in the reform of its kitchen. ‘There were criticisms, praise and people who did not give a hard for the materials I used’, but now, two years later, he proudly shows how he is still intact as the first day.

Kitchen reform without works

Via @mariabelenRomerap

White enameled tile paintan all -terrain for kitchen furniture and a final link to preserve its permanence and effectiveness. And the truth is that this kitchen could not remind me of the typical rental floor of the 90s, with a granite countertop, white furniture and mythical gray taps.

Kitchen reform without works

Via @mariabelenRomerap

With the Use of PVC Wood Effect And a resistant glue, completely lined the entire countertop. ‘Cenefa’s painting remains impeccable, and the self -adhesive vinyl lama exactly the same as when I installed it,’ he says. ‘No problem in the sink area’, emphasizes.


In the other social network that begins by INS and ends in Tagram, you have an outstanding folder with the links of absolutely everything I used does for this Low Cost reform two years ago. #ReformaCasa #Reformalowcost #Reformacocina

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With respect to the ground, goodbye to the colored tile. The idea of ​​vinyl PVC on the ground was also a success. “There were people who told me that by the issue of heat and cold it was dilated, it contracted and the joints opened, but it has not happened to me. ‘ In short, a whole Success the fruit of good work.

Images | Via @mariabelenRomerap

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