Author: Ezra

Weapons are proving to be a key element in the war in Ukraine. A few weeks ago we echoed the shipments of Leopard 2 tanks that dozens of countries have decided to send to Ukraine to recover areas invaded by the Russians. yesterday, the visit of the Minister of Defense of UkraineOleksii Reznikov, made Spain aware of another important detail: our country has delivered Harpoon anti-ship missiles to kyiv. A type of weapon that is managing to keep the Russian fleet away from the shores of the Black Sea. A secret shipment. Although Spain had communicated the shipment of tanks…

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White smoke for one of the most ambitious laws of the Executive in social matters, committed to Brussels and which has led to clashes between PSOE and United We Can. The Government has reached an agreement with its partners in Congress to “unscrew” its Housing Law and ensure its parliamentary support. The announcement was detailed this morning by ERC and EH Bildu and, beyond its political or internal key reading in the Government collation, it leaves some relevant news for the pockets of those who pay rent every month. Especially those related to the CPI. What about the prices? As…

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The French can be blamed for dozens of inventions that have revolutionized the world: the hot air balloon, aspirin, the pen, the Braille system or the cinematograph. French pride is to boast of all this, also of artists and writers such as Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas or Paul Cézanne. Or of having rebelled against the monarchical authority a few centuries ago, although some only prove it by singing the Marseillaise at the odd football game. For others, French pride is creating the world’s largest omelette. Fraternity above all, as the motto says, the members of the World Brotherhood of the…

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A few weeks ago the second leg of the pension reform was approveda change in legislation promoted by the Ministry of José Luis Escrivá that has the objective of shielding the pension piggy bank and boost your income. It comes at a crucial time, one in which the labor system is facing unstoppable aging and in which the generation of baby boom is at the gates to enter retirement. As we count in this other article, maintaining the pension system is going to have a significant cost. And repercussions in many sectors of the economy, especially in the case of…

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Anyone who bought Easter eggs a few days ago knows something about what we are going to discuss below. And it is that the global economic situation and the energy crisis have an impact on the pockets of millions of Spanish consumers. The War in Ukraine and inflation have hit especially hard on some food products. One of them is sugar. According to the INE, it has been the one that has registered the highest increase, 52.6% year-on-year in Spain. The problem is that Spain is a country with a deficit in sugar production. That is, it imports most of…

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A few days ago, at Magnet we analyzed the cultural differences in the world when it comes to tipping as a result of a viral post in which an American waitress complained that a bar where a group of Spanish customers work left a $70 tip for a $700 bill. She used the following words: “We have to ban Europeans from traveling until they know how to behave.” In our country, Isabel Díaz Ayuso recently also called in a promotional video to “leave a tip again” in bars in the capital because she said that this is what allows professionals…

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Tupperware, the giant of hermetic polyethylene packaging so famous in so many houses, is about to disappear. Well, not really the product, but the brand that gave its name to that plastic box that everyone now refers to as tuppers. “Food in Tupper” was invented by Earl Tupper, an American chemist, in 1946, which featured air- and water-tight packaging thanks to its double-sealed lid. At that time, people used to use glass and ceramic containers, and this new container had to have the air removed to close it, so it didn’t quite succeed. However, a woman named Brownie Wise, who…

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During the last months, households have been coping with a significant increase in their mortgages derived from the increase in interest rates. The European Central Bank’s defense mechanism against inflation has a direct impact on the Euribor, the reference index for most mortgages in Spain, which has gone from 0% to 3.5% in a year. This means that requesting a loan in our country is increasingly expensive and that families with variable rate mortgages are experiencing increasingly inflated monthly payments. At a time when the burden of mortgages more than 30% of the income is already eaten of the majority…

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America is probably the greatest social experiment and demographic never undertaken by the human being. Since the United Kingdom conquered and colonized the east coast of North America, the migratory flow towards the interior of the future nation-state has been incessant. First from the United Kingdom itself, later from Europe, necessarily from Africa and finally from Latin America and Asia. A concoction of cultures and languages ​​synthesized in a common identity, as vast as it is defective. Understanding the United States today requires numerous migratory retrospective exercises. Despite the country’s Anglo-Saxon roots, the majority “ethnic group” is German, although filtered…

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