Author: Aurora Writes

This week we present some of the best campaigns left by the football festival of Qatar, a moment that united not only nations and teams, but also families, friends and brands, since today the football festival is considered one of the most important, which was seen on this occasion by just over 5 billion people around the world, entangling endless emotions and possibilities for the future. That is why within this context, advertising and Marketing play an important role, so much so that according to data provided by de Zenith Media They talk about the fact that, by 2024, an…

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Currently, just over 63 percent of the world’s population has access to the Internet. In Mexico there is a whole range of pets that are prohibited to have as pets. In accordance with national law, there are fines that could reach 7 million pesos. Nowadays, social networks have become the great tool that a large part of the national population has to publicize everything that is relevant to them, since it is within these that great virality can be achieved, which, in Sometimes, it is not entirely beneficial for people, as shown by a video in which a member of…

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In ancient times it was a way of announcing that something had arrived or was already available. It is still used in many places: we hear it on streets, trucks, subways, and many other places. Of course, technology has advanced and today amplifiers, recordings, speakers and means of mechanical transport are used to make it known to the largest possible number of potential consumers. Perhaps we listen to them daily without paying much attention to the advertisement or the medium used. The technological development supported by the Internet allows marketing campaigns to be launched using ways that often seem futuristic…

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It is estimated that the Qatar World Cup party had an investment of just over 220 billion dollars. It is estimated that between 6 and 10 billion dollars were invested in the construction of the stadiums for the World Cup. Argentina was crowned World Champion, in Qatar 2022, after defeating Franca. Without a doubt, soccer is a sport that unites nations, as shown by the grand final that took place between the Argentine team, who was crowned World Champion, in Qatar 2022, against the French; However, now a content creator has given himself the task of demonstrating that soccer is…

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According to Oriol Iglesias in a recent Article From Forbes magazine, “CSR today is a Band-Aid for the crises of our time rather than an attempt to address their root causes.” Of course, as he explains, organizations are not legally obliged to respond to all the ills of the world, but it is clear that the pressure exerted by consumers, citizens, employees and even investors to get involved is growing stronger. and feel a position on certain issues or social causes and carry out their activity with a purpose as a social actor committed to effectively contributing to the society…

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Worldwide there are approximately 5 billion active Internet users on the Internet. It is estimated that only the social network Twitter has approximately 199 million active users worldwide. From politicians, celebrities and former soccer players have been present in the digital conversation before the triumph of Argentina against France. The World Cup party has come to an end, and with it Argentina has been consecrated as World Champion in Qatar 2022, a moment that has left a whole series of comments, both from fans and experts, celebrities, politicians and other football connoisseurs in the digital conversation. According to what was…

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Lita is the name of the woman who has gone viral for her celebrations towards Argentina. It should be considered that the toy is not in commercial circulation. It is estimated that at least 5 billion people attended some of the World Cup matches. The great football festival has left an innumerable number of unique moments, which have generated a wide digital conversation, either because of the comic or special moments, such is the case of a granny known as “Grandma Lalala” who now has his own action figure, becoming a viral internet phenomenon. Within digital platforms, such as Instagram,…

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1.- Bet on growth, not stability During crises there are many dangers to traditional jobs. At any time a dismissal could come that ends with that supposed stability. To avoid these risks, you need to seek your own growth at all costs. Learn new things, travel, take risks within your own job. You may not be able to avoid getting fired, but it will certainly be a lot easier for you to get a new job. 2.- Do not be indispensable In other times, being indispensable was a great idea, that made your employer need to keep you by his…

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The game during regular time was tied at two, in the last 5 minutes of play. It is estimated that the World Cup party had an investment of just over six thousand 500 million dollars. The match went to overtime and round of panels to end with the victory of The World Cup party has come to an end, as the last match between the Argentine team and the French team has taken place, leaving a bittersweet taste, as for many this was the meeting that was required to close this great event. , but for others this same closure…

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